Georgia’s A.T. License Plate Program
When you purchase a Georgia A.T. license plate, a portion of the plate’s fee is distributed to organizations within Georgia through annual grants to benefit the Appalachian Trail in Georgia.
Georgia vehicle owners can contribute to the maintenance and preservation of the Appalachian Trail through a unique program – by buying an A.T. license plate. It’s a great way to support the joint efforts by Georgia Appalachian Club, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and our other associated partners.
How does it work?
A portion of the license tag fee from each vehicle that carries the Georgia A.T. tag is dedicated each year to a grant program and those funds are used by the GATC and other organizations for projects that benefit the Appalachian Trail and the trail corridor in our state. This program was approved by the Georgia General Assembly in 2013 and has contributed to many important improvements to the trail.
The Georgia A.T. Tag Grant funds are administered by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy but the large majority of the money is distributed each year to organizations within Georgia.
GATC has worked with the ATC to develop and manage an annual grant process to allocate the tag funds. These competitive grants involve an application and then a review by a committee that has representation by GATC members. Grant winners are usually announced in the late fall.
To find out more about this program and how the generated funds are used, follow the link below.
Appalachian Trail License PlatesHow Can I Get One?
For more information and the appropriate application forms, click here to visit the program details on the ATC website. And if you don’t already have one, when you renew your annual vehicle license, ask for an A.T. license plate and proudly join the thousands of Georgians who contribute to the Appalachian Trail while driving up and down our state’s highways and byways.
For more information about the Georgia A.T. license plate, contact your county vehicle registration office.