For Hikers

Bear-Resistant Canisters Required


Bear-Resistant Canisters Required

The southern region of the US Forest Service has issued an order requiring the use of a bear resistant container while camping within 1,000 feet of the Appalachian Trail and its facilities. All food, trash and other smellable items that may attract wildlife must be stored in one of the following ways:

  • Stored or disposed of in a commercially made bear resistant canister, constructed of solid,
    non-pliable material, manufactured for the specific purpose of resisting entry by bears; or
  • Stored using agency provided food storage, for example lockers, cable systems, poles; or
  • Within a functioning electric fence; or
  • Stored in a closed hard top motor vehicle or travel trailer constructed of solid, non-pliable
    material that, when secured, will have no openings, hinges, lids, or coverings that would
    allow animals to gain entry by breaking, bending, tearing, biting, or pulling with its claws
    (any windows in the vehicle must be closed); or
  • Stored within a hard-sided residence, building (not including A.T. shelters or privies), or
    storage container subject to the terms and conditions of a special-use authorization or
    operating plan; or
  • Using personal food hangs with the specification of a minimum of 6’ from the tree trunk, 6’
    below the branch, 12’ from ground to bottom of food bag.
  • All backcountry food storage not using agency provided on-site food storage facilities should
    be at least 70 adult paces (200’) from campsites and shelters.

For further reference, the complete order is at this link.