GATC Annual Holiday Party
The Annual Georgia Appalachian Trail Club Holiday Party is our one big social event each year, so make sure you join us! Sign up early because in recent years we have come close to hitting the maximum allowed in the room. The Party will be from 12 to 4 pm at the Lumpkin County Community Center in Dahlonega. Good food, good company … what is not to enjoy?
Around 12:30 pm we will have a potluck of your favorite covered dishes (i.e., appetizer, side dish, or main entrée). Bring anything you want – we haven’t yet had an imbalance of desserts over side dishes. Coffee, water, iced tea, and paper products will be provided. The program will begin immediately after our meal. Finally, we will finish our day with delicious desserts prepared by fellow GATC members and more socializing fun.
Please come with a covered dish in hand and enjoy the afternoon. We need to know how many plates, forks, etc. to get so please register by December 1.
To register for this event you must be a Member of the GATC. Sign-Up or Login.
December 14, 2024
12:00 - 4:00 p.m.